Health Outreach Projects
SEESHA health outreach projects aim to make quality healthcare affordable to the poor, even in the remotest of communities.
Health is one of SEESHA’s primary areas of focus. Our aim is to promote health and prevent disease in the country, especially among communities that cannot afford to splurge on healthcare services. We do this through our own healthcare institutions which offer quality healthcare, either free of cost or at subsidized rates. We also create awareness among the communities in which we work, so that they can incorporate healthy lifestyles.
Our health outreach program can be categorized as follows:
Institutional Healthcare Services
The SEESHA Karunya Community Hospital in Karunya Nagar (Coimbatore) and the SEESHA Medical Center in Coimbatore City are aimed at making affordable healthcare available to the poor.
Transformation Center
The Transformation Center is a counselling, guidance support and de-addiction center which functions to improve the psychological well-being and quality of life.
Healthcare in Communities
Through awareness campaigns and health camps, we promote health in communities.
Children with HIV
We support children with HIV through nutritional supplements, scholarships, and counselling services.